"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, February 7, 2010

week in review

I wish there was a cuter way to title these weekly review blogs. If you have any great ideas let me know.

This week started off kind of rough. I had stuff swirling in my head and was emotional. It took until Wed/Thurs to get it all sorted out and dealt with. I have been feeling better since then, except that I am still working on my left knee/quad/hip. Ice, ice, and more ice.

Here come the daily stats:
Monday: Boxing for 60 minutes
Tuesday: 30 minutes on treadmill (bonus points for 6am), did "random" at 3.1
Wednesday: Boxing for 60 minutes
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 60 minutes on treadmill, random at 3.1 with some bursts at 3.3 followed by 90 minutes at boxing but I didn't work out the whole time I was there - I think it was probably still my 60 minutes worth of workout. I also had a massage which is good, but I am kind of sore this morning from where she really worked my left leg. More ice for that today!
Sunday: Rest

I also got registered for Little Red this week. I decided that I would do the 18 mile event. Since my primary focus for 2010 is preparing myself for the marathon, I know I can get worked up for that length of ride without too much effort. Especially since I am going to be coming into spring in pretty good shape.

Nutrition is getting a little better. When I'm NOT stress-eating, I actually do ok. There is still room for improvement, of course. Lots of room for improvement. Ok, I guess I should have just said that I've got breakfast working really well..... LOL!

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