"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Plan B - in which I embrace my inner superstar without the help of Biggest Loser

So, some of you have been following me on Twitter and/or Facebook and/or Spark and realize that yesterday I went to the Biggest Loser casting call here in SLC and did not get a call back. They still have my video and stuff, so it's not the end of the road, but it doesn't look like my lottery ticket has the winning number.

Instead of wallowing and pouting and whatever else, it is definitely time to commit to a Plan B.

My birthday is just barely less than 6 months away. (My half-birthday, a very important elementary school concept, was on Thursday.)

Time to visualize who I will be when I get to the starting line of the Top of Utah Marathon.

I will still be the person who LOVES her boys, her job, her house and her friends. But I would definitely LOVE for there to be less BAGGAGE on my BODY.

What do I need to do to get there?

Well, the number one thing I need to do is stop eating for the wrong reasons. To that end I am reading some Geneen Roth and doing some meditation and allowing myself to feel my feelings. (My family may not love that as I have already felt some frustration aimed AT them today.)

The next thing I need to do is settle into an eating routine which is nourishing. So, I gotta get back into my breakfast routine and planning/packing snacks for the school day. Another thing that is a must is avoiding sweets and soda - the more I avoid them, the more energy I have, the more energy I have, the healthier the choices I make. I will definitely pick up some Luna bars and the like to serve as my sweet tooth fix.

Finally, I need to remember that my first exercise commitment is to training for the race. And that means slogging the time, although most of the time I end up enjoying it. I need to do some soul searching tonight about what time of day I see working the best for this, and how that plays into being the best mom I can be in the afternoons as well. Thankfully with the Galloway training program I'm going to follow (see links list on the right) I know that my long walk/run will be on the weekend. Then I only need to do two other 30 minute workouts during the week. Where will this leave boxing? I'm not completely sure.

So, I realize it's not some big dramatic thing, but I really do want to rock this thing and I also know it's really just a matter of a few simple - although not easy - changes.

Thanks for all the love and support!

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