"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Inagural Post

It always feels so strange to start a new blog. It's like back in the day when I was growing up and would get a new journal for my birthday or Christmas. I always felt that there was some sort of obligation to introduce myself to the new pages before delving into the nuts and bolts of typical every day. So I guess it makes sense to start this blog in the same way.

I'm Jen and this is the journey to my 40th birthday.

I don't know where to start my biography but it seems like admitting to being an "adult-onset" athlete is a good place. Growing up I played tennis and swam, but in high school I turned to the arts, and in college I turned to slacking off and gaining lots of weight. My senior year in college I learned to love exercise - mainly things like aerobic classes and walking on the shoreline trail near the U. campus.

In 2003 I discovered running and threw myself into it, no matter how many times I read the cautionary tales in John Bingham's "No Need for Speed" and other similar books. This resulted in pretty much every overuse injury there is (except a stress fracture, thank God), including a year-long stint with plantar fasciitis during which I regained the 100 or so pounds that I had previously lost.

My feet have been in pretty good shape for the past 2 years. I walked the Nike Women's Half Marathon in October 2008 and 2009.

I am easily 100 pounds overweight.

It will be no small feat to get from here to the Top of Utah marathon starting line (much less the finish line in 6 hours!). But, for the past two years I've telling myself that for my 40th birthday I wanted to be in the best shape of my life. When I discovered that the Top of Utah is actually ON my 40th birthday, I decided to take the plunge, make the commitment and GO FOR IT!

Join me? :)

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