"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, January 4, 2010

peanut butter cups and junk workouts

Well, today (actually yesterday since I'm writing this Tuesday morning instead of Monday night) was a lesson in many things.

  1. Teaching is tiring. After being home for nearly 2 weeks with little to do except relax, workout on my own schedule, straighten up the house, it was back to the ole grind. And by 10am I was tired. By the time the day was over I could barely think in complete sentences - and it was only 4pm! This always makes me wonder what it is about teaching that is so tiring. I don't know that I was any more active than I was at home, but I think that just the sheer responsibility and interaction with so many little personalities is what does it. Imagine hosting a party for 30 11 year-olds for 180 days in a row - oh yeah, and at the end of the year they'll be tested on what you did and their scores will be published in the newspaper.
  2. Peanut butter cups are not going to make or break this training. At least not at this stage in the game. My cute principal (who is likely going to read this - hi, Christie!) has a candy jar on her desk that is stocked with my favorite candy (Resess PB Cups). When I need a little pick-me-up I wander down there, say hi, eat some candy. I wasn't expecting to be asked how it fit into my training! The good news is that I already knew I was going to workout for an hour yesterday, so the calories weren't really an issue. The other good thing is that it reminded me that I am in this for the FITNESS not for the scale. But maybe I should get some cans of Starbucks espresso light to keep in her fridge instead.....
  3. Junk workouts still count. Yesterday I was so exhausted by the time I went to the boxing gym. My shoulders were aching on my first round of the speed bag. I was getting cramps in all kinds of weird places. And when I got in the ring to hit mitts with Logan I could barely throw a punch, much less keep track of a sequence of punches. But when I got home, I still got to record it in my training log. So that old adage of "you'll never regret the workouts you do, just the ones you don't" was totally true.
Long story short, I was OUT COLD by 10pm last night and getting up to get my son to band this morning was about all I could do. But on the whole I feel about my day yesterday (although what I haven't told you all is that I was so tired after the teaching and workout and cooking dinner and getting boys to scouts that I had about a 700 calorie junk food binge while trying to collapse in the recliner) and have thought about some easy little switches that I can try to implement for the future. I'll take it. :)

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