Thursday, June 10, 2010
99 days till my birthday!!????
Here is the current training plan:
Tuesday and Thursday-
20 minutes on the treadmill
-5 minute warmup at 3.0
-30 second jog/60 second walk intervals, will be gradually shifting those to 2:1 as pain permits
Pool for range of motion and stretching (about 45 min)
Saturday and Sunday-
Cycling. Currently at 2 hours. Working my way up to 5.
Pool for range of motion and stretching.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
April in Review
I have to admit to having fallen into a funk and I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to pull myself out of it. I was getting very stuck in the problem of not being able to get my miles in because of my hip. I was getting complacent about recording my pool workouts because I don't even feel like I really exert myself all that much. And then there was this whole thing of "what if I DO get cast for Biggest Loser" (I didn't).
But now the corner has been turned, Biggest Loser is out of the picture, and it's time to get on with it!
My hip is feeling a lot better. It has times where it still aches and I seriously do wonder if it's ever NOT going to hurt when I do certain stretches, but at least I am feeling like I will almost be able to run on it. (yay)
So, I haven't totally been doing just nothing. I have been logging 3-5 hours in the pool each week. I think my core is getting a lot stronger. And I think when I hit the road I will actually have better form.
I am pretty much off the training schedule and will have to figure out WTH to do about that.....
I also want to work on the food part of the equation. I DO NOT want to be this fat at the starting line! My goal for this week is to eat a fruit or vegetable at each meal.
I have been off of soda for an entire month.
Things are coming along. I just need to reevaluate what the plan is and then get executing on it. :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
sorry to be MIA
In the meantime I am settling into a routine with my pool workouts. My PT is confident that I will still be able to train for the marathon. It'll just be a little different than originally planned. I'm trying to stick pretty close to the training schedule - I just assume a 15 minute mile and then do my "distance" running in the pool. Pool running being its own entire blog!
There is still no word on Biggest Loser casting. I am hoping hoping hoping to know something this week. I saw that they are done watching videos - at least I hope they are!
Anyway, there's not too much to report right now and I'm definitely feeling the end-of-school-year lack of brain cells....
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time for a "Week in Review" :)
In spite of that I did do another hour in the pool on Tuesday and then yesterday I did an hour in the pool at PT including getting some new exercises, immediately followed by an hour of yoga with Michael. By the time I got home my quads were literally shaking.
This morning I am a little stiff, but it's that good stiff. I haven't had that in a while since I've been "resting" the hip. I like it!
Dave (the PT) is optimistic that I can be in good enough condition to give the marathon a go.
While at yoga last night (which I really, really liked) the instructor asked us to hold a thought in our minds - a focus for our practice - during the class. I worked on forgiving my body for letting me down. I am in a little better place in my mind and heart as a result of that exercise.
This weekend I am at a workshop all day today followed by a massage, so no workout. Tomorrow I am planning on a bike ride - the first of the season!
Monday, April 5, 2010
xray results
Friday I worked in the pool for an hour - and felt really good after it! I also had my xray.
Saturday I really felt good so I went over to Dimple Dell and worked in the pool for 90 minutes.
As of this morning, my hip feels better than it did on Thursday. I was feeling pretty smiley and like things were coming along - so I wasn't too worried about what the xray might show.
At the PT today I did my stretches and stuff and then water running for 30 minutes. At the end of my appt Dave and Ben (PT and PT intern) come in to talk to me about the xray. Arthritis. And while there is actually a lot of "good" news in this (e.g. no labral tear, no surgery in my future, treatable, they are still confident that I can get to where to I need to be to complete the marathon) I am finding myself really having a hard time with the diagnosis.
I feel old. I feel frustrated. I feel disappointed. I feel angry. It is the same set of feelings as when I became hypo-thyroid. Ok, it WAS nice to know why I felt so bad and was tired all the time, but it SUCKED to get a life sentence. I think that is the part that I hate the most - this is NEVER going to go away.
Time will pass, this will get better, pool workouts rock, but for today I just need to work on wrapping my head around it.
Thanks for listening. :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Big Wins Today
In case you are not familiar with Geneen Roth, in a nutshell she is all about understanding all the non-nutritional roles that food fills (When Food is Love). She was all about intuitive and mindful eating before it became trendy. :)
This leads me to Big Win #2 - saying "no, thank you" when offered the most yummy looking dessert pizza I have ever seen in my life. Why? Because after reading all the buzz generated by that article about the addictive powers of junk food I have decided that it is probably in my best interest to try to avoid it.
Big Win #3 - I packed lots of healthy foods to take to school and remembered to eat when I was just starting to feel hungry instead of waiting till I was starving.
Big Win #4 - I have actually eaten 4 real servings of fruits and vegetables today. I was going to make some sort of comment about how it really should be better, but compared to 0, it's a big win.
And for the record, the Biggest Loser auditioning thing, it isn't so much about losing the weight as it is about having Jillian kick my a-- in the gym and me finally learning the tools I need to kick my compulsive eating to the curb. Now, the fact that major weight loss will happen at the same time? I'll take it. But, it's not the #1 thing I'm looking for.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Week 1 Galloway Training Program
I have to admit to freaking out a little and doing some self-sabotaging this week on the food/workout front. It's so silly because I KNOW I can do this. I KNOW this is my time. And yet, I still get that part of me that rebels.
Bedtime reading: Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth.
AND, I made a Facebook fan page to promote myself for Biggest Loser 10. If you would be so kind as to run to run over there and post a comment about why you think I would make a great contestant, I would sure appreciate it! The page is called "Help JEN get on Biggest Loser 10!" in case the link doesn't work. :)
EDIT: Just back from my 3 miles. My average pace was 18:03/mile. I was hoping for a negative split - which I got. But, I don't think my usual route over by the Trax station is doing my hip any favors, too much of a grade on the trail so my left hip is above my right hip for most of the walk. So, I may need to find a new "by my house" route.... I feel like I have a long way to go - literally and figuratively - but I'm optimistic.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Plan B - in which I embrace my inner superstar without the help of Biggest Loser
Instead of wallowing and pouting and whatever else, it is definitely time to commit to a Plan B.
My birthday is just barely less than 6 months away. (My half-birthday, a very important elementary school concept, was on Thursday.)
Time to visualize who I will be when I get to the starting line of the Top of Utah Marathon.
I will still be the person who LOVES her boys, her job, her house and her friends. But I would definitely LOVE for there to be less BAGGAGE on my BODY.
What do I need to do to get there?
Well, the number one thing I need to do is stop eating for the wrong reasons. To that end I am reading some Geneen Roth and doing some meditation and allowing myself to feel my feelings. (My family may not love that as I have already felt some frustration aimed AT them today.)
The next thing I need to do is settle into an eating routine which is nourishing. So, I gotta get back into my breakfast routine and planning/packing snacks for the school day. Another thing that is a must is avoiding sweets and soda - the more I avoid them, the more energy I have, the more energy I have, the healthier the choices I make. I will definitely pick up some Luna bars and the like to serve as my sweet tooth fix.
Finally, I need to remember that my first exercise commitment is to training for the race. And that means slogging the time, although most of the time I end up enjoying it. I need to do some soul searching tonight about what time of day I see working the best for this, and how that plays into being the best mom I can be in the afternoons as well. Thankfully with the Galloway training program I'm going to follow (see links list on the right) I know that my long walk/run will be on the weekend. Then I only need to do two other 30 minute workouts during the week. Where will this leave boxing? I'm not completely sure.
So, I realize it's not some big dramatic thing, but I really do want to rock this thing and I also know it's really just a matter of a few simple - although not easy - changes.
Thanks for all the love and support!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
t-188 days
Speaking of the leg, it has been a weird experience in PT. In the past when I have done therapy on an injury it has been pretty straightforward. By that I mean that my presenting symptoms have followed a very predictable pattern of healing. This leg thing? Not at all. At first it was presenting like bursitis in my hip. All the pain in that area is gone and then the hip flexor/psoas seemed to be the problem. But then when we try to isolate the hip, it turns out to be more about my really deep abs and my inner thigh (aductor?). Crazy. Through all of this, my right leg feels great. Thank God for that!
My workouts haven't been as consistent, nor have I pushed as hard for the past 2 weeks. This week I had PT on Tuesday and Friday, I was sick on Monday, I worked out Wednesday and will work out today. I am having a hard time deciding if I count the PT as a workout...
Anyway, I hope that over the next week or so that we get the pain to resolve in my leg so I can get back to normal.
On the nutrition front it is still a bit disasterous. I am still in the "head examining" portion of coming up with a plan.
Oh yeah, the really big news? (Ok, it's all relative!) I will be registering for Top of Utah on payday (Mar 25). That also marks the first weekend (a few days later) of the training schedule.....
Here I come!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
week in review 3/7
Anyway, this week was also PTC. (For those of you in the non-teaching world that is "Parent Teacher Conferences".) This is always a big mess up of the regular routine.
So, Monday I was able to work out at Bressler's. Had a decent workout. I have been dragging in the morning so I think I am going to have to scrap the whole 6am thing and change around my schedule a bit because Tuesday morning didn't happen and then I had to take M to the dr in the afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday were PTC so no workout. So I went to Bressler's again on Friday and Saturday. I also had PT for said knee/quad/hip on Friday afternoon. Saturday was nice because the sun was out so I walked over to the gym. I really like doing that! It makes me hungry for the warmer weather!
Overall it was a good week. 3 hours of workout plus 1 hour of PT.
I also got my Biggest Loser audition video submitted. If I haven't heard anything from them by the casting call on March 20, I will also go to that. Of course I realize that BL is a total long shot. And while I am visualizing and trying to actualize myself there, I also am aware that I need to come up with a backup plan. So I'm working on that in my head, too.
Oh yeah, a final note, I got my labwork back from my physical. My anemia: kicked to the curb. My A1C: down to 6.3 from 7.3 a year ago AND I haven't taken Actos for 8 weeks, so this is with just one med. If I can get it below 6.0 I can start weaning off that drug as well. Bad news, triglycerides are WAY WAY up. This just points to the fact that I really need to start taking some control of what goes in my mouth.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
ode to my week
the rock you have made of my hip hurts no matter how I try to sleep
the stretches and foam roller are like torture devices
and now, with parent teacher conferences I am missing 2 workout days
the warmer weather makes me long for the yard and garden
my biggest loser audition video has 21 views on youtube - have any of them been from casting? I may never know............
and those are the things on my mind
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Last day of February - Year to Date Review
To date I have logged just over 2000 fitness minutes, which means an average of 1000 minutes per month or 250 minutes per week. And while I've said it before that this is not necessarily about the weight loss, but more about the overall fitness, it did dawn on me over the past week that if I would STOP eating for every reason and no reason under the sun that I would have burned enough to lose at least 10 pounds this year.
This realization, as well as some awful seeing myself in the mirror moments, has led me to decide to submit an audition tape for The Biggest Loser.
Overall I am pretty happy with how my training is "working out" for me. :)
I haven't built the speed I was hoping for in the first two months, but I have had the consistency and have mostly avoided over-training.
I started with a new PT on Friday for this chronic knee/quad/hip pain since it wasn't responding as well as I wanted it to with self-management. His assessment is that I have some bursitis (makes me sound old!) in the hip. I have some stretches, foam roller and ice to do twice a day and then we'll re-evaluate on Tuesday. He seems very similar to my former PT (who is not practicing right now) in approaches and is very much about allowing me to stay as active as possible as I also rehab. I am confident that by the time my "official" training starts the last week of March that I will be ready for it!
Speaking of the stretching, roller and ice I'd better go get to it!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Yes, yes, I know......
Unfortunately, I got a nasty post-massage-hangover after Saturday's kick a-- workout and then massage. It has taken me a few days to feel like I'm getting past it.
So, I think it's gonna be a 2 week review by the time I get to it.
In other news, I have decided that I am going to audition for The Biggest Loser. I'll be contacting some of you to ask you to be my references.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Neola Half Marathon
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Feb. 14 - Week in Review
Monday: 60 minutes of boxing (20 min on the bike, 3 rounds speed bag, 3 rounds heavy bag, 4 rounds mitts, strength training that includes upper body, abs and quads/hammys)
Tuesday: 6AM treadmill workout - kept it mostly at 3.3
Wednesday: 60 minutes of boxing (I could tell I was getting really fatigued as I only managed to get in 3 rounds with Tim instead of 4 and that included a lot of talking in between)
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: rest/recovery
Total for the week: 150 minutes
My nutrition has been in the toilet since Wednesday. The game plan for this week is to use up the stuff around the house that is going to cause problems and then be ready to really detox the following week.
I have been reading lots of other people's blogs and am struck by how "at home" I feel with their experiences. I know that I will be running by the time I get to the starting line. Because my goal is to get to the starting line feeling good I need to take the time and AVOID overuse injuries. This is forcing me to use patience that I normally wouldn't possess....
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Unintended Rest/Recovery Week
I did get through my workouts Mon, Tues, Wed. Felt really tired Wed night trying to hit mitts. I could only do three rounds (usually I do four) with Tim and that's with a lot of talking in between, too.
Thursday I woke up with a sinus headache and puffy eyes. It took me about 10 minutes of sitting on the edge of my bed debating if I was going to go to the gym or not before I went with the going back to bed. I was really happy I did, too, since we had our science fair at school and I was in charge and it was a HUGE day. Thankfully I didn't have ESL class that night, either, and I went to bed early.
At this point I should mention that I have really been working on my left knee, quad, hip. I have been doing PT exercises and icing and stretching, and it feels ok, but it has been waking me up in the night for some ibu.
Friday is one of my usual rest days. I considered going to boxing last night, but by the time I got home (pooped out from Valentine's Day parties, scrambling to get grades in since the system will down this weekend, presenting the science fair awards) and got my head on it was almost time for the Olympics coverage to begin.
And here it is Saturday. I have a workshop to get certified as an amatuer boxing judge today that starts at 9. The original plan was to get up and hit the treadmill for an hour from 7-8. I did get up at 6:30. But you know that feeling you get about a day before a muscle strain resolves? I have that feeling in the left leg this morning.
Tomorrow would also be a recovery day so I think by Monday I can go long on the treadmill and see how the leg feels.
Sometimes I have to remind myself of the fact that I really want to GET to the starting line of TOU ready to give a good effort and feeling like I can do the whole 26.2. So it's ok to take the time now to work out the kinks (literally and figuratively).
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Great Article from
Here is the link to the original article, which I have cut/paste below. Enjoy!
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A T'ai Chi Lesson for Your Running:
Cooperating with the Force of Gravity and the Force of the Road
Written by Katherine Dreyer
Here's a lesson from my T'ai Chi master that has helped my running more than I ever could have imagined. One of the first things we are taught in T’ai Chi is that the best way to deal with a force coming from your opponent is to cooperate with it, not oppose it. If you go against a force you give it more power. If you want to neutralize any force, learn to cooperate with it, not fight it. By incorporating this simple lesson into your running form every time you start running, you could avoid having to deal with any kind of running pain.
Whenever you're running, your body comes under the influence of two forces: 1.) the constant downward pull of gravity and 2.) the force of the road coming at you as you run. In ChiRunning, you’ll cooperate with these two forces and make them your allies with every step.
The Pull of Gravity
You can either cooperate with the pull of gravity and let it help you down the road, or you can fight it, causing friction and extra work for your leg muscles. Here's the science behind this statement: Newton’s law states that "a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force." Anytime you run with your body upright (which is how most adults run) your center of mass is located directly over your feet and your body is vertically aligned with the downward pull of gravity. In this position, your body is at rest because your center of mass (pelvic area) is directly over your feet. The only way to get your body moving is to use your legs, which is why we call it "power running." When you run upright, as soon as you stop pushing yourself forward, you stop moving. All of your motion is dependent on your legs, and because you are pushing yourself off the ground to move forward, you're working against gravity.
With the ChiRunning technique, you cooperate with the pull of gravity by leading with your upper body and falling forward into the pull of gravity. Your body then becomes a forward-falling object, like a tree that's just been chopped down. Because your center of mass is just ahead of your feet, your upper body falls forward. When you learn to balance in this “perpetual fall" you'll be cooperating with the same force that pulls a unicycle rider forward. (See p. 108 in the new ChiRunning book for more information about how to maintain the perfect balance of lean.) So if gravity is pulling you, just go with it and you'll run more efficiently than you ever thought possible. Can you imagine how happy your legs would be if they were used only for momentary support between strides, and they didn't have to be used for propulsion? This is especially great for anyone doing distance running.
The Force of the Road
Here's how to cooperate with the other force you'll be dealing with: the force of the road coming at you. Whenever your body moves forward, the road is always moving in the opposite direction at the same speed, relatively speaking. Most power runners reach forward with their legs, swinging them into the force of the oncoming road, and land with a heel strike in front of their body. The impact of a heel strike, coupled with the forward momentum of your entire body, can send a shock wave up your leg, potentially damaging your heels, ankles, shins, knees, hips or lower back, depending on where your weakest link is. Having your foot strike in front of your body is like putting on the brakes because your feet are stopping your forward momentum each time they hit the ground. Pretty inefficient, I'd say. If you don't believe me, just look at the bottoms of your running shoes and check to see if the heels are worn down. If they are, it means you're running with your brakes on. What's wrong with this picture? Would you ever drive your car with one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brake pedal at the same time? I wouldn't.
In the ChiRunning book and DVD, we show you how to land with your foot underneath or slightly behind your hips. When you're leading with your upper body and relaxing your lower body, and allow your hip to swing back with your leg, the force of the road coming your way will swing your legs for you. How cool is that? This allows your legs to cooperate with the force of the road, eliminating any braking component to your stride. The ability to rotate your pelvis will prevent a heel strike, and instead you'll land with a nice soft midfoot strike, and all the force of the road coming at you will pass by without slowing you down or impacting your body.
Allowing your pelvis to rotate back with your leg creates a healthy twist of the spine and makes the force of the road your ally. A healthy pelvic rotation adds length to your stride and reduces impact even more. The pelvic rotation has become a central theme in ChiRunning and is described in depth in the new (May 2009) edition of the book and DVD.
It's how you used to run when you were a child. Just think about cooperating with the pull of gravity by leading with your upper body (falling forward), and and cooperating with the force of the road by allowing your legs to swing rearward, in the same direction the road is moving.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
week in review
This week started off kind of rough. I had stuff swirling in my head and was emotional. It took until Wed/Thurs to get it all sorted out and dealt with. I have been feeling better since then, except that I am still working on my left knee/quad/hip. Ice, ice, and more ice.
Here come the daily stats:
Monday: Boxing for 60 minutes
Tuesday: 30 minutes on treadmill (bonus points for 6am), did "random" at 3.1
Wednesday: Boxing for 60 minutes
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 60 minutes on treadmill, random at 3.1 with some bursts at 3.3 followed by 90 minutes at boxing but I didn't work out the whole time I was there - I think it was probably still my 60 minutes worth of workout. I also had a massage which is good, but I am kind of sore this morning from where she really worked my left leg. More ice for that today!
Sunday: Rest
I also got registered for Little Red this week. I decided that I would do the 18 mile event. Since my primary focus for 2010 is preparing myself for the marathon, I know I can get worked up for that length of ride without too much effort. Especially since I am going to be coming into spring in pretty good shape.
Nutrition is getting a little better. When I'm NOT stress-eating, I actually do ok. There is still room for improvement, of course. Lots of room for improvement. Ok, I guess I should have just said that I've got breakfast working really well..... LOL!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Little Red Riding Hood
Here is the link to the website.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A direct steal from Jeff Galloway
Magic words distract you from the discomfort, while they connect directly to the extra spirit that all of us have hidden inside. You don't have to give in to any negative message that hits you when you're under stress. By focusing on the positive, you maintain control. It's what you put in the forefront of your thoughts that counts.
* There is no pressure on me.
* I'm going slow. If it gets tough, I'll just slow down more.
* From the first step, I'm going to relax and enjoy the endorphins.
* I feel comfortable, supported by all of the energy.
* I'm part of a very positive movement.
* I feel good about myself and what I'm doing.
* This experience gives me control over myself.
* I know what I'm doing when I'm out here.
* This is my heritage; the power of the human migration spirit is with me.
I'm Getting There!
* I'm tired but strong.
* I'm feeling better.
* I'm tired but proud.
* There's plenty of strength left.
* The reward is coming.
* What a wonderful accomplishment!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
another week and the end of January
There is still a lot of time. And I don't have to change anything for the month of February.
Here is this week's final summary:
Monday - 60 minutes @ Bressler's
Tuesday - 30 minutes on treadmill (with extra points since it was 6am)
Wednesday - 40 minutes @ Bressler's
Thursday - 35 minutes on treadmill (with extra points since it was 6am)
Friday - REST
Saturday - 1 hour on treadmill followed by 1 hour @ Bressler's
WEEK TOTAL: 290 fitness minutes
The scale hasn't really changed at all this week - or this month - but I am getting more tone. I think I am looking pretty good through the face and just below the boobs. Not ready to change pant sizes yet.
Things I am learning about food:
Too many refined carbs = heartburn.
I do not like gyoza from Sushi Express.
The donuts from Beyond Glaze are not as good as they used to be.
One chocolate donut from Winder on Friday is really enough.
One slice of good pizza is far more satisfying than several slices of ok pizza.
I feel better in the morning if I don't eat after 7pm.
In other news, I think I have another person convinced to join us in Logan - my neighbor Mindy. As she put it, "I've never been to a 26.2 mile birthday party!" :)
OH YEAH - this week's quote, "No one's training program goes exactly as planned. Be ready at any point to rethink your goals."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Craig Harper on Stop Stopping
So here are some suggestions to help you finish – or perhaps keep doing – what you should.
1. Don’t make emotional or reactive decisions.
2. Don’t start something which is (probably) not maintainable.
3. Re-set your default setting.
4. Don’t rely on anyone to get you there.
5. Weigh up and accept the cost of change.
6. Stop giving yourself an escape clause.
one month down

Training is ok. I have been getting 4-5 workouts in each week. I have been on the treadmill. I have hit a good balance between pushing myself and not overdoing. (Remember, I want to make it to my birthday withOUT an overuse injury!)
I have not yet bought a Garmin. I was planning on doing that with my tax refund, but we made $400 into the next tax bracket and now OWE almost $2000 in taxes. That is majorly frustrating to me, especially since I took a CUT in pay since August. Grumble, grumble, grumble.
I have been freaking out about my speed, or lack thereof, the past week or so. In my mind I am ready to start jogging. I want to start cranking out at least a 15 minute pace on the treadmill. But I know that I am too heavy to do that to my joints at this point. So, more waiting.
I have to trust this process and remind myself that I have TIME.
The plan for February is to continue in this groove. Boxing on Mon, Wed, Sat; walking on Tues, Thurs, Sat; rest on Fri and Sun.
I am also giving myself permission to wait until March to really work the nutrition piece.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Week in Review 1/24
From a workout point of view this is what I got done:
Monday: 40 minutes at Bressler's - worked with Damien on correcting my form to take the pressure off my knee/quad/hip
Tuesday: off (had dental work done and didn't feel very good)
Wednesday: 30 minutes at Bressler's - I was actually there for more like an hour, but stood around talking for a lot of the time
Thursday: 30 minute interval workout on the treadmill
Friday: 50 minutes at Bressler's
Saturday and Sunday: Off - including a wonderful 90 minute massage
TOTAL Fitness Minutes this week: 150
YEAR TO DATE: 650 minutes
Nutrition has been up and down. I am definitely noticing that my physical appetite is satisfied with a LOT less food. That's not to say that I'm doing a good job of listening to my stomach and not over-eating, but that will come. I have struggled a bit with the emotional eating this week, too. But I think that being worn out had a lot to do with that.
For this last week of January the plan is boxing on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; intervals on Tuesday and Thursday; steady state medium cardio on treadmill on Saturday; rest on Friday and Sunday.
The quote for this week was, "Don't get so focused on the road ahead that you forget to look around." When I finally gave in and embraced the resting weekend I remembered to do this. When I look around where I am right now I see two great sons, a wonderful pair of puppies and cats, a job that I love, a body that will do a lot of what I ask it to, a great house and terrific friends. Life is good!
I did it!
I realized that my body an emotions were trying to tell me something (rest!!!!) and I listened.
I really wanted to go to Bressler's yesterday morning. I really wanted to hit some mitts and visit with people. But I didn't do it.
Instead, I booked a hair cut/color, a brow wax and a 90 minute massage and planned an early bedtims.
This morning, I look great, my body feels good, my head is more clear and I know when Monday rolls around and I go back to the grind it will be all good.
Today is more lazing around - coffee with Jen, a trip to the store and some paperwork for school.
Lesson learned: take the rest days!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Signs
- Persistent muscle soreness
- Elevated resting heart rate
- Increased susceptibility to infections
- Increased incidence of injuries
- Irritability
- Depression
- Loss of motivation
- Insomnia
- Decreased appetite
- Weight loss
Experiencing a loss of interest in what you once felt passion for is never fun. What causes over training?
To see improvement in ones strength and fitness they must rest. The rest period following hard training is a magical process which takes at least 36 hours to complete. By skimping on rest, complete regeneration cannot occur. If the amount of training continues to exceed the rest period, the individual's performance will plateau and decline.I am posting this because I **NEED** to take the resting part of the equation seriously. Friday was supposed to be my rest day and I totally was cranky and nasty and went to the gym to blow it all off. But I also have totally achey legs from working to correct some form issues at boxing, so I need to give those muscles time to recover.
Big problem: Bressler's is WAY more exciting than sitting at home.... Maybe I should start a new novel...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
two questions that are changing my life
Here is the video.
Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
Of course, this begs the question, "What's your sentence, Jen?"
Professionally it was easy: "13 years of teaching kids to love mathematics - and counting!" The pun is essential to this sentence since it captures that piece of irreverence that is such a integral part of how I am wired.
I've been working on my sentence for my "job" as a mom and my "job" as an individual.
As a mom it's something about loving my boys with all that I am and doing what I can to lead them down the path towards autonomy and their own sentences.
As an individual it has everything to do with answering the second question, "Am I better today than I was yesterday?" It has something to do with the byline of this blog: reaching for the best shape of my life by my birthday. But I think there is also a part of being that runner, that cyclist, that boxer, that athlete, that football mom, the teacher, the mother, the lover (dare I wish for that?)....
So, that is what I am ruminating on as my clock approaches the 240 day mark.
What is YOUR sentence?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
week 2 in review
My left leg (knee, quad and hip) is a little tweaky and I finally figured out that it's because when I'm supposed to be pivoting on it from the ankle I'm actually doing more from the knee and hip. (I am numb in most of my left ankle from a tib/fib fracture in '95.) Keeping it taped and doing more treadmill and less boxing will help, too. But that's what I need to start doing anyway.
One thing I like about my training log is that it has these motivational quotes on each page. This week's was, "In the beginning there was you. You'll the YOU that you are now and make it the YOU that you're going to be. But throughout the journey, you are all you'll ever need."
I am in this for ME. I can do it.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
it's looking like a party!
She told me about the course and her experience.
AND, she is going to try to sell her hubby on the two of them doing it together and with me this year. YAY!
Also, one of the trainers from the boxing gym wants in, even though he's not a runner.
So, at this point it looks like I'll have at least 5 people out there on the course "with" me.
I just love that so far the only people who have tried to dissuade me are my sisters and my parents. And that's not as facitous as it sounds.
Jeny says there's a good party the night before at TOU. So it'll be a great weekend. What a perfect way to ring in my 40th!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
less than 250 days
I know I already said that.
But, it's less than 250 days away.
And I still have time before the "real" training begins.
But, I'm getting a little nervous. Antsy is more the word for it. And some of the "what ifs" are dancing in my head. "What if" I get hurt during training? "What if" I can't get my speed up? "What if" I end up hating this? "What if" my schedule ends up messed up and I can't train? "What if......."
Then there's the part of me that is going "let's start let's start let's start let's start....." I wanna run. I wanna get fast(er). I wanna work. I wanna sweat. I wanna plan my long workouts.... I wanna go go go go go.
And then there's this one other thing - my real life local friends that have committed to do this crazy thing with me, I think they want to train with me, too, but I've gotten to be a big fan of the long, solo workout. Jen and I usually start at the same time and end at the same time but spend a lot of time going at our own paces. I've gotten so I really like that. That time alone with my thoughts and my music and my blood pumping and all that. So, I'm not sure how to handle that when it comes up. Guess I'll cross/burn that bridge when I come to it.
T-11 weeks until Week 1 of the training program. :)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Well, I think I overdid just a little bit....... But I think that with some ibuprofen and laying low (read: not working out tomorrow morning) for a day or so that I will be ok......
This is the afterward to the psycho-babble post, and goes something along of the lines of "physician heal thyself" and "God can only help those who help themselves".
I need to not do too much - and I need to not freak about wanting it all NOW.
pity party
Yesterday, Sunday, for no good reason I started getting that awful, tight, sore feeling in my right hip. It's an old vulnerable spot from a car accident when I was 19. For a lot of years I had chronic pain there. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that sometimes it flares up.
As I was winding out for the night having gone through my battery of stretches, and ice, and heat, and self-massage trying to loosen it up I got thinking about what that pain means to me.
It IS, quite literally, the embodiment of "not good enough" and "what will happen if...?"
Long story short, I am out of touch with my inner "sexy". I have let that die. I have covered it up with fat and aches and pains and busy-ness. And while I've said it before, I will say it again, this journey is NOT about some number on the scale. It is about FITNESS and being able to keep up with the life I want. It is about getting rid of all the stupid, weight-exacerbated prescriptions in my cabinet. It is about simply NOT being fat.
I am grateful that I know myself and my body well enough at this point to know that there are a myriad of "looks" I will never have. I just want to look in the mirror and be normal instead of fat.
And now, I need to give myself permission to let these next 9 months happen. Let them unfold slowly. So that when I'm standing at the starting line on September 18 I'm ready to let the marathon be the 26.2 mile gateway into the best years of my life with MY best body. And feeling good in that skin IS sexy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
not one, but two workouts
Rationale: from an endurance standpoint I really need to be getting a "long" workout in each week.
So I went and worked out at Bressler's because I need my Saturday morning boxing workout with Tim. Once I was good and tired from that, I went over to Crossroads for 45-ish minutes on the treadmill. No need for speed, just time on the feet.
I actually loved every minute of it and wished I hadn't gotten such a late start and/or spent time watching Logan spar because I could've done a full hour on the treadmill had I played my cards better.
I did experience first hand why you shouldn't mess with a good breakfast routine. My gut didn't really like the granola bar and yogurt breakfast. I should have taken the extra time (or started a bit earlier) to do my regular protein shake.
Good planning on the water and fueling. I had 20 oz. of water at Bressler's, 4 oz. chocolate milk in between, and went back and forth between 20 oz. of water and 12 oz. of Cytomax while on the treadmill. Four more ounces of chocolate milk were waiting for me (I love it when it's cold outside and I can leave stuff just sitting in the car) when I was done.
I had a granola bar and some water before going to my massage. Now I'm having lunch and a coffee drink. I feel a little tired, but not totally spent. It's good!
In other news, I think I had one of the guys at the gym ready to train for the marathon, right up until he asked, "how far is it again?" Me, "26.2 miles." Him, "that's really long......" Uh, yeah. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
junk food friday
So...... here are some new FUN routines (or ways to play) that are rewards for working hard. And the rationale behind them.
As a reprise, here is what I consider the hard work (although, truth be told there is a LOT of fun to it!): the five or so hours I am currently in the gym (or working out) per week! This week it has been the boxing gym for an hour on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights; an interval workout on the treadmill Thursday morning at 6am; there will be a workout at Bressler's tomorrow morning for an hour; there is possibly a workout on Sunday, as well. On workout days I would say I eat decently. There is room for more veggies and fruits and I could cut out more sweets, but from a "calories in" standpoint I don't think I am breaking the bank. I definitely get all my water in. The more I work out, the more I tend to naturally watch more of what I'm eating so that I can keep my body going for my workouts.
That's a lot of work!
So here's the play:
- Early bedtime Thursdays. My husband doesn't work on Fridays, so it's not so critical that he get to bed earlier, so he can be in charge of getting the boys to bed. He is already in charge of dinner that night since I have ESL class. So I can come home from class, get into my pjs and then just chilax and go to bed early. I am usually really ready for it by Thursdays, too. Like last night - out cold by 9. And we all know that SLEEP is an important element of training!
- Junk food Fridays. Fridays are already my "off" day from working out. It's also the day I have a more relaxed morning (again, since my husband is off on Fridays) and just love to do things like donuts for breakfast that I would NEVER do on a day I need to pull off a workout. Back in the day when "Body for Life" was big, people were always talking about taking a day off each week. There are other people (e.g. Jillian Michaels and my friend Kim Mitchell) who talk about taking days off or having "re-feeding" days. I think sometimes you just need to break it up. You need to know when the "deprivation" is going to end (well maybe you don't, but I do). Friday is also the day we usually do pizza dinner or I go out with friends. By just allowing it as a "fun food" day there is no guilt. It just is part of the program.
- Therapy Thursdays? This one has a question mark because I am still trying to work out the scheduling and financial details. I would love for Thursday to be the day I either get a chiropractic adjustment or a massage. Then I can have a full 24 hours for it to "take" before my next workout.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
first treadmill workout of 2010
True confession time - I have not been on a treadmill in YEARS - like it was in that life BPF (Before Plantar Fasciitis). Thankfully, I am pretty aware of my walking pace from having trained for and walked a half marathon.
Another true confession - I was pretty sure that my AT (Anabolic Threshold) was lower than what my latest calculated one (158) - as I haven't trained that way since before my hyst last March.
So, I knew that today was going to be kind of like a pre-test. Let's see what I can do.
With all of that laid out, here's how I did.
I did my warmup at a 2.0 incline and a speed of 2.5. This was very comfortable. For my intervals I played with the incline and the speed. 3.0 on both incline and speed were good for those medium-hard intervals. For the hard intervals at the end of the workout I experimented a little with speed and even some jogging. My fast walking speed/slow jog speed is 3.5. The last interval was hard. HARD.
Total it was about 40 minutes and about 2 miles.
When I put the info from my HR monitor into my Momentum software it suggested that I use 152 as my AT, so I'll make that adjustment for next time.
So, I'm pretty happy overall on a lot of fronts: I did it, I did it at 6AM, I did NOT overwork, I did push myself appropriately, I know where I'm at relative to where I need to get. I'll take it. :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Random thing 1. You know that phenomenon when you first start working out hard and your body is tired so you are just hungry a lot? That's been me this week at the oddest times. I haven't been making the best choices to get through it either - like Double Stuff OREOs. I think I may need to start doing some pre-emptive eating to avoid the hungry.... of course, that would involve some planning and I haven't been mentally with it enough to do that, either. (Have I mentioned that I'm worn out by starting back to work?)
Random thing 2. I really love the boxing gym. It is kind of like Cheers without the beer and with really fit, ripped up guys around instead of Norm and Carla.
Random thing 3. I have everything all laid out for tomorrow's 6AM cardio workout at the new gym. Not the boxing gym. The other gym - Crossroads Fitness - that is open at that hour and has beautiful equipment. I am planning on doing an interval workout on the treadmill. (I cycle for 20 minutes a day when I go to Bressler - the boxing gym - so I think I need the time on my feet. We'll see.
Random thing 4. I have iced my knees each day this week and it is really starting to make a difference in how they feel all though the day.
Random thing 5. I can't wait until it's actually easy for me to get up and down - like from a chair to standing or up and down off the floor.
Random thing 6. I am so glad that I instituting a 9pm lights out rule at my house, because I don't think I could survive if I were any more tired!
Random thing 7. Speaking of being tired, there were so many other thoughts when I was eating dinner and stuff, but I can't remember them now. LOL!
LOL some more. As soon as I hit publish and it went back to my page I remembered one of the other things. Sometimes when I see that countdown timer at the top of my page, I panic just a little. I haven't decided if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Monday, January 4, 2010
peanut butter cups and junk workouts
- Teaching is tiring. After being home for nearly 2 weeks with little to do except relax, workout on my own schedule, straighten up the house, it was back to the ole grind. And by 10am I was tired. By the time the day was over I could barely think in complete sentences - and it was only 4pm! This always makes me wonder what it is about teaching that is so tiring. I don't know that I was any more active than I was at home, but I think that just the sheer responsibility and interaction with so many little personalities is what does it. Imagine hosting a party for 30 11 year-olds for 180 days in a row - oh yeah, and at the end of the year they'll be tested on what you did and their scores will be published in the newspaper.
- Peanut butter cups are not going to make or break this training. At least not at this stage in the game. My cute principal (who is likely going to read this - hi, Christie!) has a candy jar on her desk that is stocked with my favorite candy (Resess PB Cups). When I need a little pick-me-up I wander down there, say hi, eat some candy. I wasn't expecting to be asked how it fit into my training! The good news is that I already knew I was going to workout for an hour yesterday, so the calories weren't really an issue. The other good thing is that it reminded me that I am in this for the FITNESS not for the scale. But maybe I should get some cans of Starbucks espresso light to keep in her fridge instead.....
- Junk workouts still count. Yesterday I was so exhausted by the time I went to the boxing gym. My shoulders were aching on my first round of the speed bag. I was getting cramps in all kinds of weird places. And when I got in the ring to hit mitts with Logan I could barely throw a punch, much less keep track of a sequence of punches. But when I got home, I still got to record it in my training log. So that old adage of "you'll never regret the workouts you do, just the ones you don't" was totally true.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
the plan for jan - 39 weeks to the race
What I have been doing is averaging three hours at the boxing gym a week for just over a month now.
I am going to stick with that on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for right now. It is super fun, recreational fitness. It is low impact and works more on my upper body.
I have tons of time to get there (the starting line) from here. And I have an intermediate goal of wanting to ride in Little Red.
With ALL of that in mind, here is the plan for Jan:
- Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: boxing gym
- Tuesday and Thursday: interval training workout (bike once, treadmill once)
- Sunday: optional walk and coffee with Jen/rest
- Friday: mandatory rest
Friday, January 1, 2010
running reading
- Buy your running shoes from a good LRS (Local Running Store) - they will fit you, give you great advice, and talk you down when are completely freaked out about something running related. They also keep your shoe size, make and model in their computer so that you don't accidentally run in a size 10 when you are really a 10.5. Speaking of said computer, trust it and not your memory when it comes to what size, make and model you wear so that you don't accidentally run in a size 10 for 4 months when you are really a size 10.5.
- Buy your socks at the same time you buy your shoes. There is a magic that happens when your shoes and socks love each other. The only way to know that your shoes and socks are (most likely) to love each other is to try them on at the same time (at the LRS) and go for a little test jog. Your LRS will let you do this.
- Spend the money on "bottoms" with chafe-free seams. You can decide if you like shorts, capris, tights, or whatever. They will be more than you want to spend. The good thing about not walk/running every day is that you have time to give them a quick rinse when you get home and let them air dry before you need them again. They will also last a really long time. (I have a biking skort that has lasted 3 years and hundreds of hours.)
- Keep your eyes on for their semi-annual bra sales. Not only are they great sports bras, but who doesn't love a sale?
- Ice, stretch and rest. I know that I have to ice after each workout and stretch at least once a day. I also know that my body needs 2 rest days a week. Find your sweet spot in these regards and keep your body happy.
- Ask! There always people in real life and online that have been there, done that and will be happy to tell you what worked for them.
- Spending a lot of money on your tops. Target and the sale rack or other discount sites will do. You just want wicking fabrics.
- Getting a pedicure. You actually need to build UP your callouses so that you don't blister. If your heels are so rough they are tearing your sheets, then just get one of those foot files to keep in your shower.
- Worrying about your speed, pace, training program, or other preferences compared to anyone but yourself. That's the beauty of walk/running - for most of us we will never be competing with anyone - so the only person whose opinion really matters is you.
- Buying a lot of running books. Read them from the library first and then only buy the ones you know you'll want to re-read.
- Coming out of the gate too fast. As the queen of just about every over-use injury, I can tell you that it's not worth the time on the sofa. Take your time.
So, I think that's about it - years worth of reading, listening and doing, condensed and put out there for your consideration.
PS- Happy New Year!