"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb. 14 - Week in Review

Another week has come and gone and as I posted yesterday it ended up being more of a recovery week than I had intended. But it's a good thing as the ache in my knee/quad/hip has almost resolved.

Monday: 60 minutes of boxing (20 min on the bike, 3 rounds speed bag, 3 rounds heavy bag, 4 rounds mitts, strength training that includes upper body, abs and quads/hammys)
Tuesday: 6AM treadmill workout - kept it mostly at 3.3
Wednesday: 60 minutes of boxing (I could tell I was getting really fatigued as I only managed to get in 3 rounds with Tim instead of 4 and that included a lot of talking in between)
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: rest/recovery
Total for the week: 150 minutes

My nutrition has been in the toilet since Wednesday. The game plan for this week is to use up the stuff around the house that is going to cause problems and then be ready to really detox the following week.

I have been reading lots of other people's blogs and am struck by how "at home" I feel with their experiences. I know that I will be running by the time I get to the starting line. Because my goal is to get to the starting line feeling good I need to take the time and AVOID overuse injuries. This is forcing me to use patience that I normally wouldn't possess....

Thanks for reading!

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