"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last day of February - Year to Date Review

So, it's already the last day of February, which seems like some sort of cruel joke (i.e., my mom being right about time going faster when you get older).

To date I have logged just over 2000 fitness minutes, which means an average of 1000 minutes per month or 250 minutes per week. And while I've said it before that this is not necessarily about the weight loss, but more about the overall fitness, it did dawn on me over the past week that if I would STOP eating for every reason and no reason under the sun that I would have burned enough to lose at least 10 pounds this year.

This realization, as well as some awful seeing myself in the mirror moments, has led me to decide to submit an audition tape for The Biggest Loser.

Overall I am pretty happy with how my training is "working out" for me. :)

I haven't built the speed I was hoping for in the first two months, but I have had the consistency and have mostly avoided over-training.

I started with a new PT on Friday for this chronic knee/quad/hip pain since it wasn't responding as well as I wanted it to with self-management. His assessment is that I have some bursitis (makes me sound old!) in the hip. I have some stretches, foam roller and ice to do twice a day and then we'll re-evaluate on Tuesday. He seems very similar to my former PT (who is not practicing right now) in approaches and is very much about allowing me to stay as active as possible as I also rehab. I am confident that by the time my "official" training starts the last week of March that I will be ready for it!

Speaking of the stretching, roller and ice I'd better go get to it!

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