"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Saturday, January 9, 2010

not one, but two workouts

Yes, it's true, I worked out twice in a row today. On purpose.

Rationale: from an endurance standpoint I really need to be getting a "long" workout in each week.

So I went and worked out at Bressler's because I need my Saturday morning boxing workout with Tim. Once I was good and tired from that, I went over to Crossroads for 45-ish minutes on the treadmill. No need for speed, just time on the feet.

I actually loved every minute of it and wished I hadn't gotten such a late start and/or spent time watching Logan spar because I could've done a full hour on the treadmill had I played my cards better.

I did experience first hand why you shouldn't mess with a good breakfast routine. My gut didn't really like the granola bar and yogurt breakfast. I should have taken the extra time (or started a bit earlier) to do my regular protein shake.

Good planning on the water and fueling. I had 20 oz. of water at Bressler's, 4 oz. chocolate milk in between, and went back and forth between 20 oz. of water and 12 oz. of Cytomax while on the treadmill. Four more ounces of chocolate milk were waiting for me (I love it when it's cold outside and I can leave stuff just sitting in the car) when I was done.

I had a granola bar and some water before going to my massage. Now I'm having lunch and a coffee drink. I feel a little tired, but not totally spent. It's good!

In other news, I think I had one of the guys at the gym ready to train for the marathon, right up until he asked, "how far is it again?" Me, "26.2 miles." Him, "that's really long......" Uh, yeah. :)


  1. 1. you're making the rest of us look bad, pffft 2 workouts! wtg tho!
    2. yep, 26.2miles is really long, lol. did you call him a wuss?

  2. Angela, I am just trying to keep my endurance up! In (a short) 9 months I will be walk/jogging for 6 hours...... 2 hours of exercise today was nothing compared to that.

    I didn't want to call him a woos because he's my trainer and he could totally kick my ass. ;)
