"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.
It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


Created by OnePlusYou

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I must be a little tired because I can't really think of a theme or a title or anything to go with any of this, so it's realy just random, scattered kinds of thoughts while I'm in my PJs on Wednesday night!

Random thing 1. You know that phenomenon when you first start working out hard and your body is tired so you are just hungry a lot? That's been me this week at the oddest times. I haven't been making the best choices to get through it either - like Double Stuff OREOs. I think I may need to start doing some pre-emptive eating to avoid the hungry.... of course, that would involve some planning and I haven't been mentally with it enough to do that, either. (Have I mentioned that I'm worn out by starting back to work?)

Random thing 2. I really love the boxing gym. It is kind of like Cheers without the beer and with really fit, ripped up guys around instead of Norm and Carla.

Random thing 3. I have everything all laid out for tomorrow's 6AM cardio workout at the new gym. Not the boxing gym. The other gym - Crossroads Fitness - that is open at that hour and has beautiful equipment. I am planning on doing an interval workout on the treadmill. (I cycle for 20 minutes a day when I go to Bressler - the boxing gym - so I think I need the time on my feet. We'll see.

Random thing 4. I have iced my knees each day this week and it is really starting to make a difference in how they feel all though the day.

Random thing 5. I can't wait until it's actually easy for me to get up and down - like from a chair to standing or up and down off the floor.

Random thing 6. I am so glad that I instituting a 9pm lights out rule at my house, because I don't think I could survive if I were any more tired!

Random thing 7. Speaking of being tired, there were so many other thoughts when I was eating dinner and stuff, but I can't remember them now. LOL!

LOL some more. As soon as I hit publish and it went back to my page I remembered one of the other things. Sometimes when I see that countdown timer at the top of my page, I panic just a little. I haven't decided if it's a good thing or a bad thing.


  1. Okay, so I told Tori after we saw you this evening that you look fantastic!!! I mean seriously, you look amazing. All of the working out and staring at the goodlooking ripped guys is paying off:). If you ever want to hit up Crossroads in the evening, let me know. My girlfriend was supposed to go with me, but so far she hasn't gone with me and I get lonely:(, LOL:).

  2. Wow! Thanks! And, yeah, the scenery at Bressler's is pretty amazing. ;)

    Evenings are tricky, but weekends are pretty open....

    Oh yeah, and I am already in love w/ my Scentsy. Thanks.
